Great news! Now there is a place to bring all of your commercial landscaping material. The Composting Network is now accepting landscaping material. You can drop it off at our headquarters between the hours of 9 AM and 12 PM Monday through Friday. The cost of the service is only $10 per truckload. Large trucks may be charged an additional fee.
What is Green Waste
- Yard waste, such as vegetative cuttings, shrubs, brushes, grasses, tree trimmings, and prunings
- Untreated wood waste, such as branches and stumps
- Similar materials generated by homeowners from their lawns and gardens or commercial or nonresidential activities
Types of Waste We Expect
- Leaves
- Branches and stumps
- Prunings
Types of Waste We Cannot Accept
- Treated wood waste,such as wood containing lead-based paint or preservative.
- Manure and pant waste from the food processing industry
- Food waste