Preserving Our Natural Resources
Hats off to Chef John Besh! Your favorite local chef two years in a row not only has stellar restaurants such as Restaurant August, Luke, Besh Steak, American Sector, LA Provence and Domenica in his culinary empire, he is also very active in local charities.

John Besh and company has chosen Restaurant August to be one of their first restaurants to participate in The Composting Network’s compost pickup service.

The Composting Network would also like to give a special thanks to Octavio Mantilla, Emery Whalen, and Chef Michael Gulotta for being instrumental in making this partnership possible. Also, we are pleased to announce that since starting in July, Restaurant August has already preserved over 2,000 pounds of natural waste.

We would be very pleased is many more restaurants, businesses, and schools located in the Metro area get involved. If you are interested or know a local restaurant, school our business that would like to join our team, please contact us at [email protected].