Hosting a special event in the Metro area? The Composting Network can help you make it easy for your guests and customers to compost. Your staff or volunteers can place the compost bins in areas that are convenient such as walkways and in eating spots. The Composting Network can provide compost pick up for any size event. We can supply 48-gallon compost bins and/or 15 yard to 30 yard dumpsters.

Here’s a map of a sample layout:

event example layout.001

The idea is to place the compost bins within reach of 1 to 30 people. When the compost bins are filled up, your staff or volunteers should place the cans to the designated Landing Area where it they can be easily picked up. At the Landing Area, you should separate compost from trash, recycled materials and bottles. You can specify what time The Composting Network should drop off and pick up the compost cans and/or containers.

You can also specify that food vendors have a compost bin in their booth.

Discounts are available for those who use compostable liners. The compostable liners must be BPI certified and certified non GMO. You can purchase 48-gal compostable liners from The Composting Network online.

To get started, click here to fill out our Events form.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at [email protected] or 504.206.9298.